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Mr. RauRauR | March 7, 2025

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Top 10 Awesome Methods on How to Cum More

Top 10 Awesome Methods on How to Cum More

Having sex is one of the greatest and simplest pleasures that a man could ever have. In fact, it is so joyous and fulfilling that we would like for it to happen on a constant basis.

If possible, we would have sex all the time. However, with too much sex comes a small price to pay. Every time a load blows off, the amount of sperm diminishes. Ask anyone who has had a sex marathon in one night. By the fourth or fifth ejaculation, there’d be practically nothing left but just a few drops.

If you want to be a beast in bed and impress your partner/s, here are some tips on how to cum more.

10. Be Healthy

10. Be Healthy

Yes, you can consider it as a cop out as giving advice such as “stay healthy” is one of the easiest things to say. However, it really does work. Your overall health not only ensures that you live longer and better, but it can also improve your sex life. Believe it or not, the amount of semen you ejaculate as well as the frequency as to which you can blow your load depends on your overall health. If you are overweight, eat unhealthy food and basically don’t give a damn about your wellness, you can expect your downstairs parts to not cooperate with you as you would like them to. More details to follow below.

9. Eat Right

9. Eat Right

It has been said that eating green and leafy vegetables aide in the production of semen. At the same time, vitamin C also has the same effect on load size as well. One of the vitamins which had been proven by some to increase the amount of cum is zinc. Take 50mg of zinc two days in a row with one day rest in between to prevent headaches. After a short while, you will notice that your sperm shots are much more concentrated and enormous.

8. Exercise

8. Exercise

If you hate exercising then now you have enough reason to start hitting the treadmill and lift those weights. When you are overweight, your body slows down and this also affects the production of sperm cells. Your testosterone levels diminish and your sperm may go from low to zilch. Well, not zero but you get the drift. So if you want to remain being a sex machine that can blow tons of loads, you need to exercise and as mentioned in #10, be healthy. Men can be virile up to their golden years, as long as the conditions are right and they are of good health.

7. One-shot Wonder

7. One-shot Wonder

Well, if you really want to impress a babe you’re seeing and make a good impression in the bedroom, you can always just do it once. It’s not necessarily ideal but the first load is usually the largest and if you want to maintain that impression, you can’t go for seconds unless you wear a condom to hide the “truth”. In addition, don’t jerk off before a big date if you know what I mean.

6. Herbal Supplements

6. Herbal Supplements

There are plenty of supplements that are being produced and marketed nowadays that lay claim to the fact that they are able to increase your sperm production and result in you ejaculating loads of cum.

There are natural herbal supplements and those that are manufactured too. One natural herbal medicine is Yohimbe, which has been proven to increase sperm production.

Then there are brands such as Ejaculoid that is very popular as it increases the amount of sperm released by a lot.


5. Stop and Go Method

5. Stop and Go Method

Think of it as pumping everything you have to the very top and waiting until the last possible moment to release. When you are in the act of intercourse, when you feel the urge to blow your load, stop for a moment. However, don’t wait too long as you might lose your erection. Just pause for a couple of seconds before going at it again. Anticipate your orgasm and when you feel like you want to release, do so at the very last moment. Not only will your release be awesome, but the amount of cum unleashed is phenomenal!

4. Don’t Masturbate or Have Sex

4. Don’t Masturbate or Have Sex

If your goal is to cum a lot during sex, then you should abstain from sexual acts for some time to build up your tank. Even for a couple of days without any form of release, you can increase your sperm load by a lot. You just need to be patient and not be too eager to spread your seed.

3. Kegel Exercises

3. Kegel Exercises

You can strengthen your penis and control your ejaculations by performing Kegel exercises on a regular basis.

The results will be not so much on increased volume but rather velocity and distance. As you may very well know, these traits are quite impressive as well.

2. Drink Water Frequently

2. Drink Water Frequently

Besides drinking lots of water, eliminate unnecessary liquids such as sodas and liquor if you are to maximize all you can be.

Increased fluid intake means increased sperm production.

At the same time, if you drink healthier liquids too, you will produce quality sperm!


1. Don’t Smoke

1.Don’t Smoke

As much as Hollywood glamorized smoking after sexual encounters, research has shown that smoking can lower sperm production.

So if you want to cum a lot and I mean a LOT, you should consider quitting tobacco and lead a healthier lifestyle.

It will do wonders for your sex life!


  1. Michael Penn

    A semen volume enhancer can help to naturally and safely increase the quantity, quality and consistency of semen. Resulting in longer and more fulfilling orgasms, giving the man added confidence in his performance in the bedroom and is equally more satisfying for both partners.MORE AT —

  2. Such a generic list. I’m surprised you didn’t add “Do Yoga” or “Stay Positive.” If eating healthy, drinking water, and exercising had any significant effect on the amount of baby gravy you splooge, the average healthy man would be plopping out thick white ropes on the daily. But of course, this isn’t the case.

    For real tips that will DRASTICALLY increase the amount of ball batter you splatter, check out http://WWW.DNACANNON.COM

    I’ve written the definitive guide to increasing the volume of your emissions, and all of the methods listed are verified by scientific studies, testimonials, and personal experience.

    Now go forth, and turn your girls’ bodies into abstract paintings.

  3. All of the above work to increase semen volume. But semen supplements will get you there faster, and the effects last longer. A combination of good food, healthy lifestyle (reducing drinking, smoking) and semen volume enhancers will give you big cumshots. More at

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